I search the web for others' takes on nature writing, so why not offer my own? I hope you'll respond. Here's more on the blog philosophy.

June 12, 2007

A List of Nature Writing on the Sierra Nevada

I have just posted an annotated list of favorites on Amazon which includes Mary Austin, Mark Twain, John McPhee, Gary Snyder, and Lester Rowntree as well as John Muir.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hi Anna,

Just read your note on whorled leaves. I am one of the regulars there. In fact I picked the book this month.

Saw this post and thought I would comment. Love yr list. Every one of them is a gem.

Snyder is one of my favs of all time. I did a workshop with him back in 1991. At the time we were expecting a child. As I write this that child is chatting with me, his six foot frame extending over the entire couch ;-)

anyway. Like yr list